Harmonious Twin Flame Union is Here.

Claim Your Twin Flame Ascension Coaching Session Now

What is Harmonious Union?

Put simply, Harmonious Union is the vibrational place where ALL blocks to love have been dissolved completely. With all of your blocks healed, you and your Twin Flame naturally and peacefully come together for eternity.

The Teaching

Harmonious Twin Flame Union is taught by Jeff and Shaleia in Twin Flame Ascension School. Harmonious Union is achieved through application of the Mirror Exercise - a spiritual practice to resolve all upsets into complete peace. By applying the Mirror Exercise and studying the teachings you will dissolve all upsets with Love and uncover Harmonious Union- guaranteed.

I’m Susie

For three years I have persisted through challenge after challenge on my Twin Flame Ascension Journey using the Mirror Exercise. In 2019, I found Jeff and Shaleia’s teaching of Harmonious Union. After experiencing the immense relief and peace found in their teaching, I want to offer the same to you by becoming your Twin Flame Ascension Coach. You deserve your Harmonious Union and much more. I remember the anxiety and panic I used to feel at the sight of my Twin Flame or the illusion of third party situations. It’s less than ideal. This is why I would like to offer you the same help I received through Twin Flame Ascension Coaching.


What is Twin Flame Ascension Coaching?

The Mirror Exercise is the work. Twin Flame Ascension School is the Curriculum. And your coach is your personal guide to success. Could you just pick up a text book to teach yourself the math of quantum physics? Sure. But you might have difficulty, you might put it down for long periods of time, and you might actually just become confused along the way. Your Ascension Coach is your guide on the Twin Flame journey to guide you in practicing the Mirror Exercise and point you in the direction of success.