Boundaries With Ego

Something I have learned is that it's very important to have boundaries with ego/separation consciousness by not acknowledging it as truth.

Separation Consciousness/ego is what keeps you from peace, love, your Twin Flame. It's the voice of fear, helplessness, and misery.

As you go deeper on your journey it will lash out loudly and try to tell you "the world" is right....that Love isn't real, that you aren't good enough, that miracles aren't for you, and that this hurt is how it will always be unless you just choose to cope or distract yourself from it.

This is so far from the truth.

The truth is ego/ separation consciousness lashes out in fear as you approach a breakthrough because you are peeling back the illusion of misery. It scrambles to try to convince you back into sadness and fear.

It's up to you to choose faith and love. When I notice myself slipping into a rabbit hole I remind myself that love is could be no other way. And I choose to only live in the reality of love. I look around and see everyone ..including myself...who has transformed in some way due to their inner work....and I know it's for me too.   I know love is real simply because I refuse to exist if it's not. And how can it not exist when I see it  in front of me every day?

And if love is can I possibly give fear or helplessness an inch?

You don't have to allow helplessness and fear a seat at your table. Have a boundary with fear and choose love. <3


Crooked and Inverted: The Spiritual Healing of My Teeth 


Are you beating yourself up too much? That’s not for you.