Climb and Slide - A Twin Flame Ascension Dream

Twin Flame Journey Dream:

The essence is very much chop wood, carry water vibes.

In my dream a group of friends and I (never saw their faces clearly but it felt like our Twin Flames Universe community) were really desiring to go to a place on vacation. So we went up to a mountainous region and hung out for a couple days. People sat by the fire, made food, sang songs, and took walks by the lake. It felt very peaceful for a few days.

Then it started to feel stagnant. Like not much was happening. The group talked and discussed and disagreed and agreed on what to do. Eventually someone asked, "Instead of just sitting here debating, why don't we actually go and do something! There's a mountain nearby to climb." Everyone agreed this felt like a good idea.

And so up the snowy mountains we went! It was leisurely at first but then became purposeful for me. I wanted to reach the top! And I was going to!

So I walked and walked up the paths with our group. Then it became steeper and I had to come to my hands and knees to climb. My legs burned and my resilience was pushed to the test as a snow storm picked up. At points I could not see the top, just the next place to put hands and an awareness of how to place my feet. I thought maybe this was a little much, but my heart knew I wanted to reach the top so I honored it. Finally I got to the top! I look around and WE got to the top. And what did our group do once we got there?

We sat on our bottoms and went SLIIIIDDDDEEEE laughing all the way down the other side of the mountain. What fun! The new landscape and view was beautiful! And the peace felt in our slide was unmatched. In my heart I felt the collective agreement that we had outgrown our fun times by the lake and this adventure of climbing and then SLIIIDDINNG down the mountain was much more fun, productive, purposeful, and peaceful.

So at the bottom of that mountain we looked and there it was...a new mountain! And so the routine was set.

Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Climb, Climb, Climb, Climb, and SLIIIIIDDDDEE.

Each mountain felt better and better. Our purpose deepened with each climb. And more people joined our group! Soon the mountains were bustling with people in our same routine.

Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Climb, Climb, Climb, Climb, and SLIIIIIDDDDEE.

Every few mountains we would rest for the night, eat good food at a diner that just so happened to be at the bottom of the day's final mountain, and sleep in a cozy little inn.

We'd wake up and do it all over again! Several times over.

At some point mid climb, I became aware time was passing kind of funny and I hadn't seen the face of the people nearby me. I remembered my goal was Harmonious Twin Flame Union and realized this climbing part was a good metaphor for that. At that point I realized I was dreaming, the whole darned thing was a metaphor. But I sure enjoyed the climb.

This is what the Twin Flame Ascension Journey is. There are periods of progress that feel like walking.... you got this! Then there are periods that feel like climbing on your hands and knees. This is where diamonds are formed, under pressure, pushed just outside your comfort zone. Sometimes you are asked to climb because its time to expand and build your strength. You can do it! Then there are periods of exhale as you SLIIDDEEEE. And there a periods (the nights at the inn) for deep rest and reflection in preparation for your next cycle.

As in my dream a key piece to success in your Twin Flame Ascension Journey is to embrace and find joy in the cycles. When you embrace that love is real in your heart...the "climb" feels like an opportunity and challenge. You know when you're climbing that your breakthrough, your new level, your SLIIIDDDEE, is just around the corner.  


Choosing Fearlessness: Embracing Love in the Face of Fear


Embracing Love's Healing Power: Letting Go of the Stories of Separation