Correcting the Twin Flame Journey Outlook

On the Twin Flame Journey it’s really easy to get attached to who your Twin Flame is and what they are showing you. You can feel so high in your recognition of and attraction to them that you believe they are the source of these good, high feelings. They aren’t.

Raise your hand if you’ve done inner work and then looked at your Twin and thought “WEELLLL….”

Raise your hand if you’ve wondered why they don’t or when they will love you.

Raise your hand if you’ve been pissed and wanted to give up on the Twin Flame journey after your Twin Flame acted like a jackass.

Love breaking this to you….

These are all signs that you are making your Twin Flame your center instead of You and God (Divine Source).

It may seem contradictory, of course you expect the person you love to reciprocate your feelings and affections. However, that is the TEA of the Twin Flame Journey. It is a spiritual ascension journey at its core. It is self-realization. Your Twin Flame is YOU. So desiring and loving them means you are called to unconditionally love yourself. 

Unconditionally Loving yourself doesn’t mean you take no responsibility for your toxic patterns and mindsets  and expect everyone else to change BUT you. It means you love yourself enough to look at yourself and your reality with honesty. It means you love yourself enough to give yourself compassion as you work to release any unloving behaviors. 

Your Twin Flame IS you! So when you actively love yourself and go to your Divine Source….they do the same. Loving yourself means you see yourself clearly. So when you love yourself, your Twin Flame (who is one with you) can see you clearly.

Your Twin Flame literally cannot give you anything that you haven’t given to yourself already.

The truth is your Twin Flame isn’t the “prize” at the end of the journey. YOU are. Your cultivated peace, happiness, and relationship with God is. Of course you naturally receive your Twin Flame and it feels good.

But you must love yourself FOR YOU. Not to “get” your Twin Flame, because then you will find out quickly you “get” nothing.

But when you realize the treasure you are. That the Twin Flame journey is showing you that you ARE worthy, loving, and amazing. That God is just loving you THROUGH your Twin Flame…then you really open the door to all the riches this journey has to offer you. Your dreams can come true.


Stop Treating Your Twin Flame Like A Soulmate


The Tear In Your Heart