Healing Attachments to Separation

One essential aspect of our Twin Flame Journey is the necessity to release our attachments. This requirement arises because when we become attached to people, objects, or ideas, it implies that we believe they are the origin of some form of goodness or comfort in our lives. In actuality, the true source of all love resides within the Divine. When you let go of these attachments and align yourself with the truth that the Divine is your source of love, you create an opening for your Twin Flame to enter your life.

Your Twin Flame serves as a mirror reflection of your connection with the Divine. If you genuinely seek love exclusively from the Divine (God), you will have effectively sealed all energy leaks, ensuring that your love is entirely centered within your Union. Consequently, your Twin Flame will also release their attachments to other sources, as they are inherently One with you.

Nevertheless, some individuals encounter challenges when attempting to release attachments. One specific obstacle I personally faced was the fear of being incorrect or mistaken about my life and the world around me. I harbored concerns that I would not be safe if I were wrong regarding the ego-driven notions of separation upon which I had constructed my foundational beliefs.

It's important to recognize that true safety and stability are discovered within love and truth. Once you realize that something is devoid of love, it becomes safe to let it go.

Furthermore, I held: the fear that being wrong would render me "bad" or unworthy of the Divine. I was reluctant to acknowledge the instances where I had chosen separation. However, in order to heal the separation from your Twin Flame and from love itself, it is imperative to acknowledge the aspects of your consciousness where you have chosen to deviate from love.

In truth, nothing can taint your inherent divinity. No choice or mistake you've made in the context of separation can alter the fact that you are deserving of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Whenever you notice attachments resurfacing in your life, redirect your focus back to the source, trusting that love and the Divine create rock-solid foundations. Release any judgments or resentments into your heart, and let go of those attachments. Invite love in, and embrace the arrival of your Twin Flame into your life.


Accepting The Mess: Twin Flame Healing


12 Quotes From “The Alchemist” For The Twin Flame Journey