Joy is past the Resistance.

Embarking on a spiritual journey is a path that requires a great deal of courage and introspection. There are many things you will confront that are not easy and yet 100% worth it due to the joy they bring you. 

One of the most surprising revelations that I have experienced on the spiritual journey is that the things they initially resist or feel upset about can end up bringing them the most joy. 

This may seem counterintuitive at first, as it is natural to assume that we would derive the most happiness from the things that come easily to us or that we already enjoy. However, the ego often tries to keep us from our joy and peace by convincing us to avoid things that challenge us or make us feel uncomfortable.

By confronting the things that we are nervous or resistant about, we can begin to see them in a new light. By bringing the truth of love to these places using the Mirror Exercise, we can transform our relationship with them and discover hidden depths of joy and fulfillment.

For example, perhaps you have always been hesitant to try a new hobby or pursue a new career path because it feels risky or uncertain. By taking a leap of faith, doing the Mirror Exercise to face your fears, and taking action, you may discover that the challenge of the new endeavor brings you a deeper sense of joy and peace than you could have ever anticipated.

Ultimately, the spiritual journey is about bringing love to the darkest places in ourselves, where it is needed most. This allows us to have that deeper joy. Embracing the unknown and confronting our deepest fears and insecurities is necessary but you are totally supported by the inner work when you do so. 

So the next time you feel yourself resisting or avoiding something in your life or within you, remember that it may be the very thing that leads you to your greatest joy and fulfillment.


Be Seen


Twin Flame Journey: Embracing Not Knowing