The Desire For Attention 

Desiring attention in your relationships is very natural. We all love to be doted on, noticed, admired, and appreciated. And frankly you deserve to be as well. All people deserve this. You are smart and you know this, which is why you constantly seek or watch for someone to offer this to you. 

Many on the Twin Flame Journey desperately seek their Twin Flame's attention. And you can and deserve this one day. 

However where many go astray is believing the source of this attention is the relationship with your Twin Flame….or with anyone for that matter. 

At the beginning of my own Twin Flame Journey when I was focused on a False Twin Flame. I fully believed I was in love with him. 

Of course all romantic love you feel is for your True Twin only ever see your Twin Flame in another. 

Now I look back and see that so much of that "love" was me getting high off of little bits of attention. Any banter, smile, short conversation, a spark of chemistry….I took it for love. I mistook it or love because I was so desperate for my cup to be filled with attention, love, admiration, and more. 

I thought I loved someone because he gave me little bits of attention. I thought  that meant love. And I was in love with that, because I was desperate for some sort of affirmation or attention. 

I couldn't see this truth until I started to develop an actual loving and attentive relationship with myself. Until I looked at my own needs and answered them.

You may feel….well it would be nice for someone to have a relationship like that with me. That's the point! The point isn't for me to be alone. 

This is true you aren't meant to be alone. But here's a secret…. any attention you are given by another is never fully received, is never completely fulfilling until you give it to yourself. 

You must decide you are worthy. When this happens you will want to love yourself and give yourself attention. You will want to and indeed fill your cup completely. 

THEN you can be magnetic and attract your Twin Flame, someone who amplifies what you have already cultivated in yourself. All that desire in your Twin Flame relationship, including romantic attention, will emerge from what you have cultivated in yourself. 


The Basic Value of Valuing Yourself On The Twin Flame Journey


Unveiling the Power Within: Finding Fulfillment on the Twin Flame Journey