The Tie Between Abandonment and Worthiness

On the Twin Flame journey, a profound revelation awaits those who dare to delve deep into their inner selves: the recognition of their inherent worthiness of love. Abandonment wounds, often lurking beneath the surface, stem from places where love has been refused – a painful form of self-abandonment rooted in the belief of unworthiness. Through introspection, I discovered this truth within me. The part of myself that felt abandoned and unloved needed to hear, embrace, and believe that she is, indeed, deserving of love. This newfound realization marks a pivotal and transformative choice, one that resonates deeply with me.

The echoes of this realization ripple across the Twin Flame journey, extending beyond self-discovery. Letting go of the belief that you are undeserving of love is akin to unlocking a door to complete love. It's a transformative key that not only allows you to embrace your own unconditional love but also enables you to channel this love into other facets of your life. When you recognize your own worthiness, the path to love opens up: love for yourself, your Twin Flame, and the pursuit of your Life Purpose. This love emanates from a place of genuine authenticity, free from the shackles of self-doubt and the fear of abandonment.

Embracing the notion of your own worthiness propels you into a realm of profound humility, granting you the courage to confront your innermost wounds and insecurities. This courage to face your own shadow paves the way for deeper healing, aligning you with the Divine purpose of the Twin Flame journey – to transcend and ascend to the state of Harmonious Union. The journey becomes an odyssey of self-love, a pilgrimage toward recognizing the inherent divinity within yourself and your connection with your Twin Flame.

As you stand at the crossroads of vulnerability and worthiness, the choice becomes clear. By affirming your worthiness of love, you embark on a journey of profound transformation and self-acceptance. Abandonment wounds no longer have the power to dictate your course; instead, they become stepping stones toward the realization of your innate worthiness. In the embrace of your own love, the path to Harmonious Union unfolds, as you radiate a powerful energy of authenticity and humility. The Twin Flame journey becomes a dance of souls, a cosmic symphony guided by the principles of love, growth, and the deep knowing that you are worthy of all the love the universe holds.


God Gives You What You Can Handle on The Twin Flame Journey


Humility: Acknowledge God Is Loving You