Twin Flames Are Not An Exucuse For Toxic Relationships

In social media, blog comment sections, and various corners of the internet, I often come across people who are grappling with the toxicity within their Twin Flame relationship. This toxicity can manifest in different ways, such as when one's Twin Flame is fixated on a third party, has left them, or has been accused of being narcissistic. In some cases, both partners are even engaged in other relationships producing all kinds of unwanted situations. 

It need not be this way though. 

If you find yourself on a toxic Twin Flame journey, it's essential to recognize that this toxicity reflects your beliefs and consciousness about Love. If you hold the belief that Love must be arduous, painful, or hurtful, or if you think Love denies you, is toxic or abusive in some way, your Twin Flame may unfortunately mirror these beliefs to you. They mirror your here because they are one with you. Your belief about Love are intimately and entirely impactful and connected to theirs.

It's important to clarify that no one is accusing you of being a bad person for experiencing a toxic Twin Flame relationship. The misalignments with Love and the misconceptions about Love within your consciousness do not define your core self. If you’re experiencing these patterns, approach them with non-judgment and compassion. This will be the quickest and most productive way to heal them. 

At your core, you are divine and unconditionally loving. The truth about Love is that it is unconditional. 

Unconditional Love doesn't mean allowing yourself to be mistreated.

Instead, it means accepting and loving yourself precisely where you are at and as you need in that moment. If your core belief about Love is anything other than this, your Twin Flame will reflect those beliefs back to you.

This does not imply that you must tolerate mistreatment from your Twin Flame. If your Twin Flame exhibits abusive patterns or engages in undesirable behavior, you have every right to set boundaries according to your needs. You don't have to accept mistreatment simply because they are your Twin Flame. You can establish boundaries and embark on your healing journey, addressing the parts of you that have been hurt by this toxicity.

As you bring Love and healing to these wounded aspects within yourself and gain a deeper understanding of the truth about Love, the door can open to a healthier Twin Flame relationship. It's crucial to emphasize that this isn't about self-blame or blaming your Twin Flame. It's about acknowledging the presence of toxic behavior and taking necessary actions to change it. With Twin Flames, inner healing work is required to cultivate a healthy relationship  with each other because your relationship with your Twin Flame is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

To begin healing toxic behaviors, consider using a tool called the Mirror Exercise. The Mirror Exercise helps you pinpoint the misalignment within your consciousness and empowers you to bring Love into those places. 

This process is about empowering yourself to transform your consciousness, raise your vibration, and experience profound, infinite Love within. Your vibration shapes your outer experience. So when you have unconditional Love within - that’s what you get to experience on the outside too.

To be abundantly clear….if your Twin Flame is acting inappropriately, take the necessary steps to initiate a healthy relationship with yourself, prioritizing self-honor and self-care. Place the necessary boundaries you need with your Twin Flame. Do not accept mistreatment as your ultimate reality.

As you heal within, you can have an authentic and healthy connection with your Twin Flame because you have that loving, healthy connection with yourself!

You might even discover that the narcissist wasn’t your Twin Flame to begin with. 


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