Weird Dreams?

How do you approach a Twin Flame dream? A dream about someone else? A non-Twin Flame dream? Here is how you can turn a dream into a productive tool for your healing: 

When I have an interesting dream... I write down the whole dream (I find it easiest to speak it as my phone types it so I can just recall quickly.) This recall is done almost immediately on waking up. I speak each detail as it comes up freely. And let the feeling of the dream arise naturally from there. I had a really odd one with a lot of different scenarios last night and I just spoke the whole thing to my phone.

As I recorded this dream, I found the overall feeling I kept repeating in the dream as I spoke it to my phone was a feeling of ineptitude, rejection, and lack of place. These feelings are the healing the dream is directly pointing to regardless of the story. It’s important to let go of the specific story and tab/note your feelings throughout. Once these feelings are noted,  I can begin mirroring it using the mirror exercise

1. I'm upset because I felt inept/incapable in my dream conference because I didn't have a place there with the others.

2. I'm upset because I feel inept/incapable in myself because I don't have a place in myself.

3. Yes, I resonate with this feeling of ineptness because of not feeling fully strong in a place with myself.

4. As I loved myself in this place I found this hurt part of me was asking to be claimed as divine and really love myself. In loving myself I realized I was letting/waiting for my place/power in the world be defined by others but my place in the world is defined by God. I have lots of love pouring back into this space now.

And that is how you can approach any weird dreams on your  healing journey.


Twin Flame Journey: Embracing Not Knowing


Crooked and Inverted: The Spiritual Healing of My Teeth