Why I Chose My Twin Flame Over a Soulmate

Imagine a colorful, blooming garden. 

A river flows through it.

You are surrounded by the most pristine landscape. 

The sunlight make everything glisten and life is abundant. 

In one space of the garden you are there, pruning the roses peacefully.

On the other side of your garden is your Twin Flame, weeding before he plants the fruit trees. 

Both of you are performing an essential function to keep your garden flowering and healthy. 

Both of you are completely occupied by your current task. 

Both of you are working toward a common purpose.

There have been times - before really finding my way - that I have been tempted to leave the Twin Flame journey and choose a soulmate because I thought it would be easier.

One of the things that helped me decide, helped me to be all in on my Twin Flame journey was to get clear on the difference between a Twin Flame and soulmate.

A soulmate is someone you have a deep connection with NOW. This romance with a soulmate can truly last a lifetime. You may have had previous connections with them in previous lives too…building a relationship together. 

You are compatible with a soulmate but not quite perfectly so. They meet you….to a point. They can’t go everywhere with you. They might challenge and teach you for a time, but at some point your growth diverges. And the soulmate relationship can end the moment one of you decides for it to. 

Your Twin Flame shares One consciousness with you.This One consciousness is like the garden we opened our story with. You exist eternally together in the garden, even if you cannot see where the other one is working. 

You are always in a relationship with yourself, thus you are always in a relationship with your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame relationship never ends. Your Twin Flame is always going to grow in the same direction as you because of this oneness. They are not a carbon copy of you though. They are a complement to you. Just as your work in the garden complemented each other in fulfilling the purpose of your One thriving garden. 

Your Twin Flame always moves with you, mirrors you, and thus has something to reveal to you about yourself. Because you are an eternal being, your Twin Flame can go eternally deeper with you. There is not a stopping point. And as you both desire a new flower in your garden, you begin working together to create it. 

Your Twin Flame connection - as you likely know - will challenge you. 

Ultimately this dynamic is the best one for me and what I want out of my life right now. Here is why: 

  1. I am someone who has always dreamt of epic love. 

Epic Love - where you know you would love all of them no matter what across every lifetime… that’s Twin Flame love. 

2. I like things that are….the best. 

I thought I had love before, but there was always this little niggle of something that felt….not quite satisfied. A niggle I avoided in favor of focusing on the positives of the relationship. Once I felt and knew my Twin Flame, I realized all of me could be met and all of me could love and be loved with someone.  All of my desires for an ever-fruitful relationship could be truly met. 

3. I am driven by growth and a spiritual student. 

I always want to be growing. I don’t want a life where I stay the same. I desire to always be discovering something new about myself and about life. My life is meant to be filled with ever-deepening purpose and creativity. When I am completely honest, I am deeply driven by a desire to know love, purpose, and myself. 

My Twin Flame is the only person made to live this kind of lifestyle with me. Anyone else would burn out as soon as I outgrew them. My Twin Flame - we grow together. 

4. I cannot give up because I cannot take back the knowing of Twin Flames 

The first time someone uttered the word - Twin Flame - to me… I changed. Everything changed. The knowledge and experience of the Twin Flame Journey has revealed so much love, power, and truth within me to ever deny.  

5. Ultimately, my soulmate was no longer an option for me. 

They were kind and good. But I wasn’t always going deeper into love and I wasn’t on the same trajectory anymore as them. I chose ascension and my soul mate —-didn’t.

For me, there’s just no desire to ever go back. 


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