Your Life Purpose and Your Twin Flame Journey

At the beginning of my journey, I cognitively understood that the Twin Flame and Life Purpose journey were one. However, honestly, I was very arrogant and illusioned. I thought I had my life purpose completely handled, and my Twin Flame Harmonious Union would fall into place easily afterward. That is not to say Harmonious Union is hard, but I was certainly underestimating the amount of spiritual work involved and heavily attached to what I thought my life was going to take shape.

At the onset of my Twin Flame Journey, I was deeply passionate about the field of sustainability. Honestly, I still love it with all my heart. However, something happened as I followed my heart and delved deeper into the spiritual work. I had always been interested in the human side of sustainability, wanting to understand not just how to save the planet scientifically, but also how to remedy the human behaviors and patterns driving us to exploit our world, instead of developing a harmonious relationship with it. This curiosity led me to explore the field of psychology and human behavior. In short, this journey further revealed the deep wounds and misalignments driving the destructive human behaviors and motivations responsible for the climate change issue. So, I went down the rabbit hole even further, exploring its root, which led me to childhood. I pondered whether we are teaching our children how to effectively deal with their emotions and troubles, and if we are instilling in them a proper sense of self-value so they can feel and experience oneness with their fellow humans and the world, even if their parents don't know how to do so.

All of these revelations coincided with the introduction to the inner work, using the mirror exercise to solve my Twin Flame problems. Ultimately, I came to the realization that my drive to get to the ROOT of the world's issues was intrinsically connected to the spiritual work I was completing for myself.

I envisioned a world where families were built on the foundation of Harmonious Union, where deep dedication, devotion to God, and commitment to love formed the bedrock upon which children are raised. I imagined the kind of humans that would grow in such an environment and how they might treat the world differently. This vision is shared by Jeff and Shaleia, who provide the blueprint through their own example and their child, Grace.

Upon embracing this realization and accepting it, I discovered that my life purpose was entirely different from what I had initially thought. First and foremost, I had to become a Twin Flame Ascension Coach and play a role in building this kingdom of heaven by supporting others in healing the root of their own hurt and building their Harmonious Union. 

As I let go of the attachment to what I had previously believed was my purpose, my false Twin Flame also fell away from my reality. This led me to a profound journey of self-discovery.

Remember, your Life Purpose and Twin Flame Journey are not just linked; they are one. As you progress in one, you naturally progress in the other. Attempting to separate or compartmentalize them is neither sustainable nor aligned with love. Surrender to where love guides you in both aspects of your journey.


The Labor Of The Twin Flame Journey


Embracing Divine Opportunities: The Perfect Unveiling of Twin Flame Harmonious Union