Back in Time on My Journey: Reading “Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover” and the Path Forward

I saw another post in the Facebook Twin Flames Universe Open Forum about their experience reading Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover and it inspired me to share my experience reading it the first time too!

I grabbed the book per the recommendation of the person who did my first introductory coaching session, Breann Price-Sand.....who by the way was the perfectly loving while introducing me to Twin Flames Universe and Twin Flame Ascension School.

I downloaded it as an Ebook so I could read it RIGHT AWAY because I wanted to learn everything I could about Twin Flames.

At the time I was emotionally invested in someone who I did not know was a false Twin Flame ..... and was also having fun enjoying the attention and company of someone who I knew was not my Twin Flame but appeared to fill the void of fun, attention and companionship I was looking for. I'll call this second person Yertle the Turtle.

There were two things also happening as I read this book.

  1. I was volunteering at a conference where the false Twin Flame was also working. I was mostly volunteering to be with him.

  2. Yertle the Turtle came into a position of power on our college campus government. He knew I was looking for other job opportunities and offered me a similar position of power on his "crew" in government. I was tempted because I wanted to maintain fun connection and sense of importance. His offer really presented a fork in the road to me...though I was not entirely aware. ....Would I choose to pursue short term worldly pleasures and prestige or would I choose to have faith in love and and invest in my Twin Flame ascension journey?

As I read this book in the couple days leading up to the conference I had this immense feeling of everything making sense! The whole world. It felt like I was returning to God in love. I read the book on my little phone whenever I had a minute and just happened to finish the book on the way to conference.

Immediately on finishing the book I was crying tears of revelation outside the building. I knew I felt with my whole heart this journey was about love at the core and not all the woo woo TF stuff I learned before. I felt love returning in a truly powerful, relieving way.

I went into the conference building and immediately encountered my false Twin Flame (did not know he was false at the time) and he helped me recenter myself. At this point in my journey connecting in that regard felt....and affirmation that I was heading down the right path.

Simultaneously, it made the choice of rejecting Yertle the Turtle’s offer much more clear. I realized to be with my Twin Flame I needed to have a boundary here and not seek other men to fill me up in any realm of companionship. I also realized how empty his offer was. And it just simply was not who I am.

And not too long after this (I don’t recall exactly when in the timeline), I attended an empty church and had a PROFOUND spiritual connection and realization. From that point on I began to accept this Twin Flame Journey was about God at the center. Once again, I do not have the words to describe that feeling, but it was one of those pivotal, life-changing moments of realization.

Fast forward 4 years later and I have worked through that false Twin Flame connection. I don’t speak with Yertle. I have let go of a lot resistance to love and embraced being completely humble to God in the journey. And I get to live my true life purpose.

(In the story I was volunteering at a psychedelics research conference…..mostly to be with my “Twin Flame” Now I am working as a teacher and Twin Flame Ascension Coach. )

Nothing about my journey so far has been how I have expected it to unfold, but that taught me how to be humble and to release control. While unanticipated, my journey has been beautiful to me. I am grateful for where I am and appreciate where God perfectly supported my healing even if I made any “mistake” along the way.

Here’s to much more to come from reading that life changing book.

Thank you Jeff, Shaleia, and everyone here.


Are you beating yourself up too much? That’s not for you.


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