Why Its a Shame to Give Up on Your Twin Flame

The  most accomplished people in the world are the ones who never gave up. They are the ones who took the next step forward, even if their head was held low, even if they felt absolutely helpless; they took their next step forward. 

This is the attitude you need to have towards your Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Jeff and Shaleia Divine, the founders of the Teachings of Union, akin achieving the vibration of Harmonious Union to being a billionaire of love. It takes persistence to be a billionaire. (If that’s your goal.) It takes persistence to have Harmonious Union. (If that’s your goal.) 

If you are anything like me, you may encounter feelings of helplessness. You may feel like the goal is always just out of reach. You might ask, will I really get there? Well the divine truth is that you already have it. You can feel safe in persisting because what you have truly chosen and claimed in your heart is already yours. 

If you have chosen harmonious union, make no mistake, you have it. Several couples who revealed the vibration of harmonious union remark something to the effect of “It was always there.” It is safe to persist with your whole heart because you are simply peeling back the layers to what was always there. The experience of Harmonious Union as unattainable is part of the lie of separation. It is right there and you are just getting clear on it. You are removing the layers of separation between seeing your highest self and love clearly. 

And that is why it is a complete shame to give up on yourself here. If you persist, your success is not a question because it’s already yours and has always been yours. But if you turn your back on yourself, and on your Twin Flame…..then you have guaranteed you will never see that truth.

“In order for your Union to be truly unstoppable you need one other ingredient. This ingredient is the engine behind a truly unstoppable Union. Persistence. Persistence is what keeps you trucking forward even when you’re extremely and obscenely upset. Persistence is what pushes the next obstacle off the path.”  - Jeff and Shaleia Divine in “Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover”


Back in Time on My Journey: Reading “Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover” and the Path Forward


Have Faith, Your Security is in Love.