Spiritual Upheaval?!

As we heal a big layer of separation with the mirror exercise, it is not uncommon to experience upheaval. Upheaval can look different for different people but the essential business of it …..is the ickiness of separation is leaving your system to make way for all the love you have filled yourself up with. A spiritual purging if you will. 

In my process, I tend to experience upheaval as an extra urge to rest or just a general feeling of ….ick!

Upheaval does not have to be a long process by any means. In fact when you simply surrender to the process, that is release resistance, it can move as quickly as possible. 

On the same token….and this is one I must catch myself in….you don’t need to ATTACH to the upheaval. Feelings are temporary. And if you are feeling the ick of upheaval but you know the feeling of peace you just healed in your heart, its safe to simply acknowledge and say “Good bye!” to the ick on its way out!

Here are some tips for moving through MASSIVE upheaval:

  1. Do the work of the day! Keeping things moving can be a great, gentle way to keep your energy flowing as you release all the old beliefs and patterns that did not serve you before. It can also serve you in that by working there is not room to mope and dig your heels into the ick. 

  2. Take the extra nap! Sometimes we do need the extra rest. Spiritual Work is …..work. And at times after hard work, our body calls for rest. It is safe to give it. <3

  3. Walking or exercise! Your body releases important feel-good chemicals when you are exercising. If exercising is an option for you, you might find it supportive in upheaval to focus the mind and physically keep the energy moving in your body. 

  4. Love your inner child. What is your inner child calling for now? Maybe you need a nice book, video games, or another form of play! Allow your cup to be filled up here. 

  5. Your perfect self-care. Explore what self-care looks like for you! What do you need to feel loved and cared for now?


Have Faith, Your Security is in Love.


Apathy Healing pt. 1