Have Faith, Your Security is in Love.

When you are in the darkest corners of your consciousness, facing your deepest fear, your whole being brought into question……it is faith that will bring you through. Faith in love. 

I know at times in my journey faith seemed like a BIG ask. Faith? Why take the jump of faith into something new when I have the security of what is known? 

Yet unless you are living your dreams in Perfect Union with God…..that’s ego telling you to stay where you are…to resist your Divine Transformation. There is no security in pain and misery. There is no security in separation and lack of clarity. That’s simply what ego/ separation-consciousness/ -insert icky title here wants you to believe. 

Love asks you to have faith and take the chance that it is real. (Hint: It is!) 

And yet, love is also compassionate by nature and will not ask you to leap mountains where you are not prepared. But it will ask you to push that comfort zone. It will ask you to have faith as you step into each new level of love and surrender. Love will ultimately ask you to have faith in yourself. 

As you go through your journey do not allow the voice of fear to convince you to shy away from your good. But do choose faith in the call of Love to bring you ever deeper into peace.


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