Susie Puga Susie Puga

Releasing the Past on the Twin Flame Journey

For a long time, I found myself caught up in the grips of the past, holding onto sadness, regrets, and resentments. I realized that by doing so, I was inadvertently giving away my power.

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Susie Puga Susie Puga

Healing Inferiority

“Well you know God doesn’t see you that way. That you are not different in that you are any less or more than others.”

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Susie Puga Susie Puga

Be Seen

It is only by allowing ourselves to be seen in this way that we can experience true love and connection we seek in our Twin Flame connection.

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Susie Puga Susie Puga

Joy is past the Resistance.

The ego often tries to keep us from our joy and peace by convincing us to avoid things that challenge us or make us feel uncomfortable.

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